Exploring Christ’s perspective

Science and Faith complement each other.
Faith tells us who created everything
Science tells us how it works
I write SciFi and commentary about where they meet

Tue, 17 Dec 2024
a man juggling oranges and watermelons while standing on a lawn in front of trees

The writer’s life always involves juggling. When I toss the oranges high, I have to squint at their tiny black dots against the bright sky. The trick is, as they hurtle back down, to discern which of those dots are actually watermelons that snuck into the mix.
I recently shared that I’ve suspended working on book 2 of the Perelandra Paradox Series to work on an inspirational book, Color For the Blind Man – Following an Invisible God. I’m embarrassed to say how long ago I was prompted to start it. On the other hand, I’m relieved to say that I finally answered the call and am back on track.
But I’m chained to time’s one-way arrow, just like you. This book requires far more research than my previous work. So, to avoid oranges splatting on the ground and to intercept surprise watermelons, I have to make schedule changes. For the next few months, I’ll post on my blog only intermittently and send the newsletter just once per month.
While I’m ensconced in the labyrinth of my writer’s cave, I still look forward to hearing from you. Your support and encouragement mean a lot to me. Please feel free to contact me on the website contact form or social media. read more ...

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Thu, 21 Nov 2024
aircraft technician, displaying an overcomers attitude, repairs nose gear of single engine airplane

The Program Manager sighed, head in hands. Late Friday afternoon sunlight streamed across the open letter on his desk. Monday morning, the government agency said, the avgas price would triple—retroactive six months. Above it, the computer displayed his boss’s email. Effective immediately, the entire region was under a ten percent budget cut. He tried to reply, but rats gnawed the server cable again, dropping them offline. The technician could fix it —when he returned from vacation. read more ...

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Thu, 14 Nov 2024
two beautiful feet walking barefoot through beach sand

She gave up trying to stop. No stranger to strange men in strange houses, she stood behind him as he reclined at the crowded banquet table. Noiseless sobs, rising from unknown depths, shook her slender frame. Twin streams surged past long, vainly clenched eyelashes, falling, splashing, etching pale rivulets across his grime-encased feet. As she opened her eyes, the pent-up reservoirs poured out, making a muddy mess. Kneeling quickly, she loosed flowing hair to clean ankles, toes, soles, and heels. Then, leaning lower, she kissed the feet that brought such good news. read more ...

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Thu, 07 Nov 2024
Composite image of formal and charismatic worship showing that no two are alike

Why do they sing choruses/hymns? What’s wrong with hymns/choruses?

Why do they build cathedrals/shacks? What’s wrong with simplicity/honor?

Why do they stand/sit during worship? What’s wrong with sitting/standing?

Why do they ignore/demand time? What’s wrong with punctuality/relationship?

Why do they dress up/dress down for church? What’s wrong with comfort/class?

Why do they have long/short statements of faith? What’s wrong with grace/correctness?

Why do they sit like stones/jump like clowns? What’s wrong with participation/reverence? read more ...

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Thu, 31 Oct 2024
A sky diver takes the leap from an airplane

David’s nose, numb after seven days pressed against stone, still smelled grit blown by pleading breath. “My God, my God. Don’t let my guilt fall on this child. Punish me, not the innocent,” he repeated continuously, cracked lips touching the mucus-wet floor. He willed his words through the solid tiles beneath scrapped forehead, bruised knees, and aching toes. All the promise, all the hopes gone, destroyed because he failed … He, defeater of giants, deliverer from Philistines, lay prostrate, felled by his own desire. A woman tricked Samson, but he, God’s anointed king of Israel, chose destruction himself. “Oh God, spare the boy, take me.” Imagined scenes flashed through his mind—running to roof’s edge and, before servants could react, hurling himself off. Or grabbing a guard’s sword, falling on it, and finally receiving what he had inflicted on the Lord’s enemies—as he was now. Even as he pleaded, a plan formed, ready for the right moment … read more ...

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