God works on our behalf full-time, not just when:
Life flows badly; we fear the worst; the worst arrives; life flows well; we seek the best; the best arrives; we plead; we act right; we think right; we dream right; we pray; we sacrifice; we give; we love others; we love him; we follow him faithfully; we backslide; we repent; we try hard; we try harder.
God doesn’t:
Get distracted; get overbooked; get confused; get tired; get tired of us; get too busy; get bored; forget us; forget to care; forget to act; forget the time; forget the context; forget the details; lose sight of us; lose us in the crowd; lose interest; have blind spots; have bad days; go on vacation; go somewhere else; go home; go away; go nuts; give up on us.
So, the last time you clawed desperately at precipice edge, how did you remember that His Kingdom has no cracks to fall through?
Matthew 28:16-20; Hebrews 13:4-8; John 10:27-30; 1 Peter 3:12; Romans 8:31-39
Excerpt from Call For News-Reflections of a Missionary Pilot
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