Exploring Christ’s perspective

Science and Faith complement each other.
Faith tells us who created everything
Science tells us how it works
I write SciFi and commentary about where they meet


Most Direct Way (#72)


At first the breeze over the stern refreshed, so without command they all raised and stowed oars. The sail snapped once and filled as Peter tightened the line, shaping the canvas belly. The water swished a quiet song to accompany the evening’s last sun. Each man settled back into his favorite place, glad for respite from labor and heat. Jesus curled up on the aft bench and quickly fell asleep.

Jesus and disciples in small boat during storm were following the most direct way Later that night, the wave leapt from the dark, smashed into the starboard bow, and spun the boat halfway around to the left. Wind howled in concert, ripping away one corner of the sail; the rest flapped useless in sudden gale. Shouts punctuated awakened hands grasping for oar, rope, and tiller. Control almost regained, the wind shifted, and the boat lurched over onto its left side. Even larger waves converged from fore and aft, lifted the drenched craft high between them, then dropped it down a nearly vertical face. The bow plunged deep, barely surfacing just as another wave hit from the left.

Surging water inside the boat tangled flotsam with crying men, impotent against the triumphant squall. “Another like that, and we’re dead—Bail!” Peter shouted then fell back, swept off his feet. The frenzied lake heaved from every direction and poured in, engulfing their last hope. And then, they saw Him in the back. Still asleep.

“Rabbi!” they cried out. “Don’t you care that we’re drowning?”

Jesus opened his eyes, yawned, stood up, and looked around. Chaos poised for final victory, ready to claim them all. “Quiet! Be still!” he commanded. Immediately, the water flattened and the wind vanished.

A man hikes through badlands following the most direct way

Sometimes, creation’s convulsions obscure truth’s straight path: “Let’s go over to the other side.” But God’s word always follows Heaven’s most direct route to accomplish His purpose, making straight highways in our wilderness.

So, what happened the last time Jesus opened a way for you where none could exist?

Proverbs 3:5-6; Mark 4:35-41; Isaiah 55:10-11; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

cover of book containing Motley Crew GlueExcerpt from Call For News-Reflections of a Missionary Pilot
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