Exploring Christ’s perspective

Science and Faith complement each other.
Faith tells us who created everything
Science tells us how it works
I write SciFi and commentary about where they meet


Overcomers (#80)


aircraft technician, displaying an overcomers attitude, repairs nose gear of single engine airplaneThe Program Manager sighed, head in hands. Late Friday afternoon sunlight streamed across the open letter on his desk. Monday morning, the government agency said, the avgas price would triple—retroactive six months. Above it, the computer displayed his boss’s email. Effective immediately, the entire region was under a ten percent budget cut. He tried to reply, but rats gnawed the server cable again, dropping them offline. The technician could fix it —when he returned from vacation.

rat eating an electronic cable requiring technician to have an overcomers attitudeLater …” he declared, pushing himself up. They had to fly the doctor out of the jungle and to the capital. Tomorrow was his last chance to get out of the country. What a time for both aircraft to be in maintenance. The plane almost ready would have to wait. The part it needed languished in a car on the other side of a landslide. That meant working all night to get the second plane ready. And what about his wife’s birthday dinner? He lifted the phone to cancel their first date in months, but heard no dial tone. Apparently, rodents dine on phone lines as well.

landslide closes a narrow mountain road, requiring blocked drivers to have an overcomers

Some days even nature itself seems to conspire against us, echoing the foul broodings that still dribble from our soul’s darker corners. Fortunately, the One who directed us to “Overcome barriers” also equipped us to obey His command to “Be overcomers.” He sends us to jobs where nothing works, where jungles impede, where destruction threatens, and condemnation saps. We change from whiners to winners by getting over real obstacles, not fake.

The truth is, Jesus transforms us into overcomers to give us credibility to administer his grace to others.

So, what did you learn the last time you remembered that you will, indeed, see his goodness in the land of the living because everyone born of God overcomes the world?

Job 19:25-27; James 4:7; Luke 10:1-3; Luke 10:18-20; 1 John 5:1-5; John 16:33

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cover of book containing Motley Crew Glue

This post excerpted from Call For News-Reflections of a Missionary Pilot
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