Exploring Christ’s perspective

Science and Faith complement each other.
Faith tells us who created everything
Science tells us how it works
I write SciFi and commentary about where they meet

Thu, 11 Jan 2024
wind blowing through open window billows curtains revealing starry sky full of invisible matter

Dark matter and dark energy make up most of our universe but elude detection, neither seen nor measured. Only their effect on surrounding galaxies betrays their presence. The morning breeze passes through open windows, invisible. Only billowing curtains and wet field smell translate its call of faraway adventure.

God’s favor flows around us continually, soaking everything with His goodness, yet, like a symphony to the deaf, passes unnoticed. Nor would any even suspect what they miss except for His distributors. He designed each of us to receive a specific piece of that blessing and then, in turn, dispense our unique portion. No two are identical, but together, we administer His grace in its various forms. read more ...

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Thu, 04 Jan 2024
terrified man clinging to cliff edge screaming for rescue to be one who he calls

God says, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” Sounds good, especially for encouraging others setting out on grand adventures and hopeless quests. But why does our response to His call often leave us feeling rolled, spindled, and mutilated? What happened to supplying all our needs? Or granting wisdom, comfort, or money enough to do what He told us to do? read more ...

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Fri, 29 Dec 2023
volcano Cotopaxi from a western point of view
The 18,000′ Andean volcano, Cotopaxi, seen from the west

In the air, pilots survey vast panoramas, confident of encompassing perspective. But they miss the approaching storm, invisible behind the overcast. Mothers, outfoxed by precocious toddlers, believe life consists of jelly-smeared CDs and melted crayons smashed into wads of unmatched socks. They forget the world of humans taller than three feet, who speak in whole sentences. From the valley on the west, the snow-covered volcano Cotopaxi stands almost pastoral. Cultivated fields surround its base and climb its sides. From the high mesa on the east, however, it resembles a Mars probe photo—same mountain, different points of view. read more ...

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Fri, 22 Dec 2023
man sitting behind prison bars of flowers illustrate being captured by good

Sometimes good captures us—the partner mission’s success; a neighbor’s new car and paid-off mortgage; a coworker’s great health, a clean house, and well-behaved kids; a wide-screen, high-definition, surround-sound home theater system. God gives good things, but the fight begins when the cute singer on the worship team expels the song from imagination’s space. Wrestle the thought and smash temptation to the floor. Don’t look there, turn the other way. But the other way is not like the other cheek. The beautiful monster escapes the restraining grasp and dances before our hearts with easy insolence—again and again and again. read more ...

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Fri, 08 Dec 2023
artist's rendering of blackhole in space with faint image of astronaut trying to escape hard places

We live within creation’s cage: the double twins of space and time, matter and energy. Their impartial rule treats us all alike. Money, hours, and strength go only until spent. Do the taxes, wash clothes, or hold your honey? Choose one. You can take enough fuel to go the distance, but what cargo stays behind? You can make the extra landing for the patient, but sunset will stop the flight short of the hospital. Limits dog life. Neither desire nor worthy need gains their attention. Their hard places define humanness and teach the brutal lesson quickly: There is not enough to go around. Get yours while you can. read more ...

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