Exploring Christ’s perspective

Science and Faith complement each other.
Faith tells us who created everything
Science tells us how it works
I write SciFi and commentary about where they meet

Fri, 08 Dec 2023
artist's rendering of blackhole in space with faint image of astronaut trying to escape hard places

We live within creation’s cage: the double twins of space and time, matter and energy. Their impartial rule treats us all alike. Money, hours, and strength go only until spent. Do the taxes, wash clothes, or hold your honey? Choose one. You can take enough fuel to go the distance, but what cargo stays behind? You can make the extra landing for the patient, but sunset will stop the flight short of the hospital. Limits dog life. Neither desire nor worthy need gains their attention. Their hard places define humanness and teach the brutal lesson quickly: There is not enough to go around. Get yours while you can. read more ...

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Thu, 30 Nov 2023
Apollo 11 Saturn V rocket blasts off demonstrating cause and effect

We know the secret to success: pick up good pieces, assemble correctly, and point in the desired direction. Every action results in something. Choose the right effort; reap a good reward. Archimedes taught us that, given a big enough lever and a place to stand, we could even move the Earth. The proper combination of cause and effect works for everything—Legos®, houses, quilts, money, and life. But secret knowledge addicts us to success. We demand it as our right and then rage at God’s injustice when we fail. We manipulate universal building blocks but forget that batteries do not power creation while God sits back, watching it scoot about heaven’s floor. read more ...

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Tue, 21 Nov 2023
Landing a high wing, single engine plane at a jungle airstrip requires constant practice

Two pursuits require constant practice, three never rest: Flying airplanes in the bush, playing musical instruments for an audience, and walking with God.

Remembering that final airspeed varies between 55 and 60 knots, depending upon gross aircraft weight, is not the same thing as recognizing the edge of ‘the settle’ while playing the throttle on a bumpy approach. Reaction trails need, and wheels touch only in the general vicinity of the target spot. Amateur hides professional.

Remembering Beethoven’s “Fur Elise” is not the same thing as producing a smooth parade of notes up and down the keyboard. Nervous fingers hesitate, forgetting their path. They arrive only more or less on time. Parody eclipses masterpiece. read more ...

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Fri, 25 Aug 2023
Amazon jungle rain storm threatens to pour torrents on tin roofs

Our plateau jutted out the sudden eastern edge of the Andes mountains. It ran east 10 more miles, almost flat, until it dropped over a cliff 2,000 feet into the Amazon Jungle below. Weather from the northeast hit the cliffs first, accelerated upward, then smacked against the massive peaks behind. So, it rained. A lot. Twenty-one feet per year. We called three rainless days a drought—broiling sun and oppressive humidity. Lumbering trucks and packed buses morphed dirt roads into towering billows of fine, choking dust visible from the air as undulating brown ribbons. read more ...

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Fri, 04 Aug 2023
man points finger while believing successful lies

He shook a finger straight at the pocked face across from him and said, “Look at you, the big man! You’re bankrupt. You lost your family. You’re covered with scabby pus. You’re a mess! And why? Everyone knows that God works according to one simple rule—do right things, receive good; do wrong things, receive bad. Yet you keep moaning that it’s not fair. Give it up already! It’s plain to everyone but you. If you mess up, you pay the price.” He paused, overwhelmed again by his friend’s grief. “Look,” he said softly, “confess whatever it is you did, and God will forgive you. You don’t have to stay like this, Job.” read more ...

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