Hiding places abound. Samuel anointed Saul as king of Israel. God gave him free rein saying, “Once these signs are fulfilled, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you.” Saul clearly saw God’s certain ability and purpose. Did Saul hiding among coronation-day’s baggage reveal humility or unbelief? Neither. God gave Saul victories, but also granted the deepest desire of his heart—his own way.
Rahab hid three times. She covered the spies and then concealed family while her Jericho life fell around her. She, too, saw God’s plan, when she confessed to her guests, “The Lord your God is God.” Then, He gave her freedom to expose her heart. She rejected her experience with fierce, lusty warriors and the solid, unassailable might of their stone walls. Instead, she chose to hide in the promise of a God she’d never seen.