Exploring Christ’s perspective

Science and Faith complement each other.
Faith tells us who created everything
Science tells us how it works
I write SciFi and commentary about where they meet

Fri, 26 Apr 2024
high canyon road destroyed by landslide shows the two flavors of order and chaos

Order exists in two flavors—natural and Divine.

Natural order runs down. Observation reveals creation’s beginning—a single, hot birthing point for matter, energy, space, and time nicknamed “The Big Bang.” Since then, the universe dissipates, expanding faster and faster. Eventually, everything—galaxies, stars, planets, people, and flowers—will dissolve, leaving only dark nothing, frozen at absolute zero (about –460°F.) We see it every day. Systems degrade from higher levels of order to lower. Coffee gets cold. Shoes wear out. Airplanes exhaust their fuel. Farms turn to weeds. read more ...

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Fri, 19 Apr 2024
diagram of the solar wind blast earth's magnetic field
The solar wind blasts Earth with a 1 million mph barrage of radiation.

Suddenly, Isaiah stood in the temple, now immense, filled with terrible, glorious light that pierced like a thousand caressing swords. Terrifying desire drew his eyes to the brilliant throne above the Ark. The Lord sat, splendid, more real than life, surrounded by the hosts of heaven. Isaiah’s soul emptied in one agonized cry, “O God! How can I see You and live?”

Indeed. The wise fear Him with good reason. Standing before life’s Giver means also standing before life’s Judge. No one hides. Everything opens. All pretense, lies, and sin evaporate, leaving only the holy. Yet, Isaiah lived. How? read more ...

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Thu, 11 Apr 2024
I write books like these stacked on a table

Okay, I confess. I write books. I knew I would since courting my wonderful wife. My qualifications? Fascination with the sky beckoned me. A multifaceted career as a professional pilot positioned me. Life as a husband and father gave me empathy. Living as a Christ follower gave me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to do whatever he asks.

But, much like flying, writing is an addiction for which there is no cure. The best you can hope for is remission. And, if by some misfortune, you see that chance approaching, hide, and the ridiculous notions of abandoning either pursuit will pass you by. read more ...

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Fri, 05 Apr 2024
solar eclipse projected on flat screen
A projection of the early part of the 21 Aug 2017 eclipse. Two groups of sunspots are visible—a cluster of three near the center, and a cluster of two near the bottom edge.

Eclipses come in two varieties. The first kind occurs because our moon is the solar system’s odd duck.

For example, it travels a special orbit. Like ballroom choreography that looks simple until close inspection, the Moon only appears to orbit the Earth. In fact, it orbits the Sun. The Earth, 80 times heavier than the Moon, moves steadily on its course about the Sun. But the Moon weaves rhythmically on either side of the Earth’s orbit, first outside farther from the Sun, then in front of the Earth, then inside closer to the Sun, and then trailing the Earth. The two dancers interlock gravity arms and sway in a 29-day rhythm. read more ...

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Fri, 29 Mar 2024
A man with eyes clinched shut is searching for the sun

He couldn’t remember how long since the batteries quit and the long night engulfed him. Blackness, thick and absolute, hid everything. He pushed through tangled thorns, testing for holes. His fingers still encircled the useless, invisible flashlight. Fingers? Once more he wiggled them just beyond his nose. He saw nothing to confirm what only feeling and hope told him were there.

Suddenly, a branch snapped on his left. He tried to crouch, but massed branches pushed him back. Then, not caring what the night beasts heard, he cried between clenched teeth, “Lord, why didn’t you make these batteries last? Why won’t you make them work again? I need light!” More snaps, then unmistakable, measured steps closing in. read more ...

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