Exploring Christ’s perspective

Science and Faith complement each other.
Faith tells us who created everything
Science tells us how it works
I write SciFi and commentary about where they meet


Salt and Light (#59)


Male silhouette a standing with raised up arms on the waterside. Beautiful milky way galaxy and lake, represents the salt and light of lifeSalt of the earth—the edible rock—preserves food, enhances flavor, and balances body fluid. It once circulated as Roman money. God required it in grain offerings and used it to seal covenants and heal bad water.

Light of the sky—both particle and wave—the fastest we know, displaces darkness and shows the world. God created it first, called it good, and then used it to describe Himself.

Now, Jesus raises us dead ones up in order to show the riches of His grace. He calls us “the salt of the earth” and names us “the light of the world.” Salt and light; season and shine. Always active, never hiding, He dispatches salt to cure hurt and reconcile man to God. He transmits light to reveal truth and conquer black lies.

Young man opening suit jacket and dress shirt to release flames of his passion helping him to salt and light in the EarthBut the enemy saps our spice and covers our flame, beguiling us until we drowse content to pass through life as a comfortable shadow.

So, when was the last time you touched that passion that God shut up in your bones?

2 Chronicles 16:7-9; John 8:12; Isaiah 40:28-31; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Matthew 5:13-16

cover of book containing Motley Crew GlueExcerpt from Call For News-Reflections of a Missionary Pilot
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