Exploring Christ’s perspective

Science and Faith complement each other.
Faith tells us who created everything
Science tells us how it works
I write SciFi and commentary about where they meet


Second Edge (#70)


pilot looking out of cockpit of twin engine airplane has developed a second edge of professionalismThe new Forest Service pilot looked again at the grass airstrip, 2,000 feet below. Tucked in tight between the river and two parallel ridges, it looked right-sized for the Piper Cub parked there. For 20,000 pounds of a lumbering DC3, however, the mountain airport on his left looked anything but useable.

He glanced right, checking the instructor for any clue —a raised eyebrow, a forward lean—anything that said he’d take over now. The veteran pilot fiddled with his watchband. The student swallowed, understanding the message.

twin engine airplane completes landing made of expert pilot who has developed a second edge of professionalismHe slowed the big airplane and lowered the wheels. Already cramped by the valley walls, he descended another 1,000 feet. The only route passed through a narrow gap between the high rim on the right and a lower hill on the left. He squeezed through the slot, then turned a half-circle left and lined up with the runway. Not much room, but practice with the airplane paid off. He pushed the wheel forward to plant the tires on the sod, started hard braking, and lowered the tail to the ground. He grinned as they stopped halfway up the 3,800-foot strip.

Desire grows to skill. Then, sweat hones that ability to a sharper second edge. Finally, the true professional emerges. What do we do when it feels good to be really good? Take it as our earned right? Or stuff it down and beg forgiveness for pride? The truth is, God plants desire-producing gifts. The trick to successful application is offering all the fruit back to Him.

So, what happened the last time you had no idea how to accept praise for a job well done?

Genesis 22:1-19; 2 Timothy 2:14-15; Proverbs 22:29; John 15:5; Ecclesiastes 10:10

cover of book containing Motley Crew GlueExcerpt from Call For News-Reflections of a Missionary Pilot
Click here to get the entire book.

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