“There’s no manna!” Tira burst into the tent, breathless.
“What do you mean, there’s no manna?” she asked, annoyed, without looking up. This girl would tell her the sun was missing if she could get out of work.
“I looked everywhere. We all did. It’s just not there. What are we going to eat?”
Her daughter’s trembling question sank doubt’s claw into her own heart. What’s wrong? They walked across the river, and no one got wet. As soon as they were out of the channel, back came the water, high and furious. Then, all the men… What a bloody, messy affair. At least they’d quit moaning and were walking again. They ate the Passover the day before yesterday. Surely that would satisfy Him. What now? She sighed, turned towards Tira, shook her head slightly, and then looked down again at the roasted grain. Wonderful stuff. It was so good to taste something new, different. But was God mad? Weren’t they supposed to eat it? The Levites said it was okay … What was going on?