Exploring Christ’s perspective

Science and Faith complement each other.
Faith tells us who created everything
Science tells us how it works
I write SciFi and commentary about where they meet


Why I Sharpened My Focus

Cessna 206 prop hub points to sharp focusYou probably noticed the change. This site sports a new masthead, revised page structure, and most importantly, a sharpened focus. I realized, for a freelance writer’s site, I was trying to be all things to all people. Sounds nice. Doesn’t work out so well in real life.

I write because I believe, as all writers do, I have something to say worth reading. To do that, I have to connect with people. But people aren’t created in general, a nameless mass driven by blind instinct. People are created one at a time as individuals, each unique as snowflakes. And that’s where I have to connect.

I write to bring my readers something of value—information, entertainment, or inspiration. But I’m neither smart enough nor skilled enough to do that for everybody. I can only do it for some. I have little to offer aficionados of sushi, taxidermy, or crochet. I know nothing of drilling for oil, trading corn futures, or Danish politics. I’m completely lost at bridge, hip-hop, or raising dalmatians. No one should expect to receive anything valuable from me in those areas.

However, I do know how to leave the Earth and travel in three dimensions. I’m able to navigate trackless jungle sky, hidden mountain passes, and packed international airports. I can manage aviation fleet budgets and juggle maintenance priorities. I’ve trained professional pilots and cared for nervous passengers. I don’t know all aviation answers. But I do know the questions to ask and where to look.

Piper Pacer pilot while flyingSo that’s my new, sharper focus—sharing what I can from my small corner of a big world. If you’d like me to write about the method or meaning of aviation from ultralights to starships, Contact me. If you’re interested in my perspective about them, this is your blog. Let me know what you think. I’d really like to hear from you.

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